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来源:|izz| 作者:009 时间:2004-11-15 点击:

         半条命2还没有正式发布,作弊码已经先行从互联网上流出,半条命2作弊首先要在桌面半条命2的快捷方式上添加"-console"这个命令行参数,"C:Program FilesHalf-Life 2hl2.exe" -console。然后进入游戏,按“~”呼出控制台,就可以输入以下作弊代码:

  god - God mode (server side only)
  give - Gives a weapon or an item (see the list below)
  buddha - Reduces your health
  hurtme # - Hurts the player (# is damage amount)
  impulse 101- All weapons
  impulse 82 - Spawns a jeep
  notarget - Player becomes hidden to NPCs
  noclip - Walk through walls (server side only)
  maps - Displays map list
  map - Load a specified map (see the list below)
  developer # - Sets developer mode to on/off/verbose (0-off, 1-on, 2-verbose)
  +mlook - Enables mouse look
  hud_quickhelp/text? 1 - Shows crosshair
  viewmodel_fov # - Sets the size of the weapon you're carrying (54 is default)
  exec - Execute a script file
  cl_drawhud 1 - Turns hud display on
  cl_enablehud 1 - Turns hud display on
  cl_showfps 1 - Shows frames per second in game
  npc_create - Creates an NPC (works in worlds that have an NPC entity)
  npc_create_aimed - Creates an NPC aiming away from the player.
  picker - Toggles 'picker' mode.
  setpos - Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats 1 enabled).
  setang - Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw (musthave sv_cheats).
  sv_gravity # - Set gravity to #
  sv_stopspeed # - Set minimum stopping speed when on ground to #
  sv_friction # - Sets world friction to #
  sv_bounce # - Sets bounce multiplier for physically simulated objects collision
  sv_maxvelocity # - Sets the maximum velocity of any moving object to #
  sv_waterdist # - Sets vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane to #
  air_density # - Changes the density of air to #
  dsp_explosion_effect_duration # - Sets length of confusion/ear-ringing effect to #
  prop_debug - Toggle bounding-boxes debug mode on/off (red - ignore damage, white - respond to damage, green - health)
  sv_soundemitter_filecheck - Toggle reporting missing .wav files for sounds
  mat_numtextureunits # - Limits the number of texture units to # (0 - let the game decide how many texture units to use)
  mat_yuv 0 - ?


  -r_anamorphic 0
  -netgraph 3
  -width 1024 -height 768
  -heapsize 80000
  -dxlevel 90
  -shaderdll shader_nvfx_ps20.dll

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